It is not easy to get rid of bed bugs as they can be pretty stubborn to deal with. If you can identify them, that is the first step. You need to know what you are dealing with in order to control it better. In Plano, you can easily find bedbugs, and once they make it to your place, it won’t be easy to get them out.
Bed bugs are pretty minor in size, and the younger ones are even smaller. If the young ones (called nymphs) have not yet fed, it will be almost impossible to spot them. Bed bugs are usually thought of as insects found around the bedding area, but that is not the only place.
You can also find them around your mattress and couches too. They are good at hitchhiking, too, and that is one way they can make it inside your home. This is why it is better if you have a look at your clothes before stepping inside your home. You might have a friend in there.
Check your bags as well. Make sure you do not bring them inside. Other things that you can do are to keep your house clean, vacuum the corners, etc. Seala Pest Control can always be if something does not work out.
Is there a way to get rid of bed bugs on one’s own?
There are times when DIY methods prove to be quite effective, too. However, you will have to give it your time and effort to yield the best results. You will have to try different methods and approaches as you may not get the right one on the first try.
When dealing with large infestations, you need to keep these things in mind. There are some things that may pose obstruction in the way at times. Let us look at some of those things below:
- If there is a lot of clutter, then it won’t be easy to deal with. Try to reduce it as much as you can.
- If you are someone living in an apartment, bed bugs are pretty good with mobility and crossing units.
- Traveling to different places often can increase the risk of bringing them home.
What are the steps to get rid of bedbugs?
There are various things that you can do, which we will discuss in a bit of detail below:
Infested areas need to be identified first:
It is easier if you are dealing with small infestations; however, detecting them will be difficult. You are likely to see bedbug bites before you even witness one around your place. They are even smaller than an eraser, but they reproduce quickly and in large numbers.
The female ones are capable of reproducing almost five hundred eggs in their entire lifetime. Furthermore, bed bugs can go on for months before they have their blood meal. Since they are so small and flat, they can get through small openings really quickly.
Folds of curtains and couches are some of the places to have a look at. Some other places where you might have a look are baseboards, where ceiling and wallpaper are meeting, furniture, etc.
Infestation needs to be restricted or contained:
You need to make sure that they remain in a single spot and not wander all around once you have detected them. One way to do so is to use a vacuum and clean any hiding spots. Check the bedding, carpets, couches, etc. Put the contents from the vacuum in a plastic bag and throw it away.
Kill the bed bugs:
You can first try without using any chemicals, and if that does not work out, then use some other method. One hundred fifteen degrees Fahrenheit is what you need to kill them.
Once you are done cleaning the visible bugs, use some method to kill the rest. You can cover your mattress with something that is bedbug-proof.
Lastly, if nothing works out, consider contacting an exterminator in your area through their website.